fourteen studies


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The "14" Studies

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Studies Ranked

We ranked all of the studies on a forty point scale. Within the forty point scale were four separate criteria, each worth up to ten points. The four criteria were:

Asked the Right Question (0-10 points):

Did the study actually contemplate the real world example of a parent vaccinating their child with 5 or more vaccines and then seeing a regression into autism afterward? Did it contemplate something close to that which could be helpful and generalized? A perfect question received a 10, a study that didn't even contemplate the question at hand received a zero.

Conflict of Interest (0-10 points):

We considered a scientist employed by a vaccine maker or a study sponsored by a vaccine maker to have the highest degree of conflict, with a public health organization (like the CDC) to be the second-worst. A conflict free study would receive a 10, a study rife with conflicts as low as zero.

Ability to Generalize (0-10 points):

This was a measure of the robustness, replicability, and usefulness of the study. Where possible, we looked to experts to help us gauge this ranking. The more robust, replicable, and broadly applicable, the higher the score.

Post-Publication Criticism (0-10 points):

Was the study widely accepted in the scientific community, or was it the subject of extreme criticisms from many sources? The closer to widely accepted, the closer to 10 points.


Thimerosal Studies Ranked

MMR Studies Ranked

thimerosal studies ranked

mmr studies ranked